For the fasting blood sugar (FBS) and s hour post prandial (2HPP), what the doctor told me is 3.5-6mmol/l and less than 6.5mmol/l respectively. It is different with your given information…… may I know that which one is more suitable since the doctor always say that the FBS is very high when it is 6.2mmol/l. Besides, I want to ask that what the normal range of FBS and 2HPP is for the pregnant women who is having diabetic. Is it the same value? Thanks for answering the question.
I have added new information on FBS, OGTT and prenatal diabetes reading on this page. FBS 6.5mmol/l is within normal range but its consider as pre-diabetes. Well trained doctor should refer you to see a dietician or registered diabetes consultant.
The questions I posed were merely to help myself understand better the things you said/ claimed. For your 'teaching' to be valid, i believed surely they've been researched into, tested well and established. Such data would usually (be good to) have peer review in journal for its, again, validity - particularly essential if it is to be applied on human for promoting health and wellness. Perhaps we're not so much into the 'past records' or 'working experience' with hospitals or universities but something more substantial and concrete as your integrity.
Re: 9/8/09 Hi, Regarding to your enquiry to be a good dietitian, kindly email it again to, i shall share my personal experience in further.
Re:28/7/09 I completed my MD in Kolkata Medical College India. Though I am not practicing it because I believe in holistic health and natural therapy. Thus I went further into chinese medicine, psycotherapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, color therapy, bach flower remedies, herbalogy...etc. I earned my MSc.Diet & Nutrition in University of Hawaii (UH) as RD, with Clinical internship (in Hospital Sultanah Aminah JB, Hospital Kuala Lumpur), coursework and dissertation (A comparison study for Diabetic Diet, Modified Diet and Supplement), plus other project on : Obesity and Chronic Disease; Anaphylactic reactions in patients receiving oxaliplatin therapy; Artificial intelligent Neural Network Algorithm(UTM); Multimedia Screening System for Self-Health assessment... Which then I have been prompted to PhD. Those are a very brief intro for your interest. :-)
My younger brother , sister (MBBS, UM and Post.Grad.Dip.Diet & Nutrition) and I wish to build our own career and business to achieve final freedom, thus, we are thinking to go for a MBA in local varsity, but we are not familiar with that field, would you kindly recommend us a good university for us? Prefer part time study, off the MO and clinic hour. thanks for your reply.
Can I type English here?^^
ReplyDeleteI found this website and It was really informative.
I am having problem of acne, is there any method?ways? to improve my skin??
维他命C 500mg 2粒x3、
类胡萝卜素 2x2、
维他命E 400IU 1x2、
大蒜精 2x2、
锌 15mg 2x2
·食物:每日6 – 8份水果、6份蔬菜(50%生食)、葡萄、草莓、黄梨、苹果、西瓜、木瓜、番茄、黄瓜、生菜、青椒、杏仁、腰豆、瓜子、大豆;大麦煮成汤喝其水;生麦片磨粉掺柠檬汁敷脸。
·草药:neem, burdock, dandelion 蒲公英, milk thistle 奶蓟, turmeric 黄姜,alfalfa 苜蓿精。
·芳香疗法:tea tree, lavender, lemon。点在患处。
·巴哈花精:数滴的crab apple掺入收缩水。
For the fasting blood sugar (FBS) and s hour post prandial (2HPP), what the doctor told me is 3.5-6mmol/l and less than 6.5mmol/l respectively. It is different with your given information…… may I know that which one is more suitable since the doctor always say that the FBS is very high when it is 6.2mmol/l.
ReplyDeleteBesides, I want to ask that what the normal range of FBS and 2HPP is for the pregnant women who is having diabetic. Is it the same value?
Thanks for answering the question.
Dear Follower
ReplyDeleteI have added new information on FBS, OGTT and prenatal diabetes reading on this page. FBS 6.5mmol/l is within normal range but its consider as pre-diabetes. Well trained doctor should refer you to see a dietician or registered diabetes consultant.
只是最近他到医院见dietician时,被告知他已是第四期了,而他也非常坚决自己也依照了该dietician的忠告,但dietician仿佛并不满意,而一直怀疑着他在说谎,他非常生气的拒绝了follow up。。。。
回Anonymous 游客:
ReplyDelete当血糖已经被证实第四期时,改变饮食固然重要(我以往在中央医院也回对病患做如此的要求,可是我回使用国外较新的饮食法,在大马不是所有的Dietician都学过,请参考以上的食谱,增加2次蔬果汁作为早餐或点心),配合运动,每日20分钟。同时,建议摄取而外的营养补助品(大多Dietician不会建议使用保健品,我曾在国大和新山中央医院任Dietician, 所以非常明白您朋友的苦衷)。
1。多元维生素与矿物质(至少含24种类综合营养,必需含有Chromium,selenium,zinc,biotin, folic acid)
2。膳食纤维 (水溶性纤维最佳,每餐后摄取1茶匙,预防糖份吸收)
3。小麦草/大麦草/苜蓿精/叶绿素 (进化血液)
4。绿茶/SOD茶 (促进代谢,燃烧脂肪)
5。EPO,或含GLA 亚麻油酸高的胶囊 (平衡荷尔蒙)
6。维生素B群(确保含有B1,B2,B3,B5,B6,叶酸,Biotin, B12, 可预防肥胖,改善血糖)
8。维生素C (3000-6000mg,因为糖尿病患者不能吃太多水果,而且本身又需要大量的维生素C)
9。奶蓟Milk Thistle (改善肝胆功能来控制体重)
如果您又关于保健食品的疑问,请email 给我
ReplyDelete可否让我(们)知道, 您的(双)博士学位的
1- 出处(大学)
2- 是否以研究完成学位(mode: research and thesis)
3- 或,参入了Coursework,或完全以coursework进行。
4- 学位最终测验:可有internal /external examiners?
5- 您的论文题材/题目
6- 您的论文与其他article publications (in peer-reviewed journals, particularly
of ISI-journals)
The questions I posed were merely to help myself understand better the things
you said/ claimed. For your 'teaching' to be valid, i believed surely they've
been researched into, tested well and established. Such data would usually
(be good to) have peer review in journal for its, again, validity - particularly
essential if it is to be applied on human for promoting health and wellness.
Perhaps we're not so much into the 'past records' or 'working experience'
with hospitals or universities but something more substantial and concrete
as your integrity.
你好。我是dietitian 实习生。听说你曾经在医院当过dietitian。以你的经验,你认为如何才能让病人愿意听你的忠告、接受你的专业呢?对你而言,怎样才能成为一位出色的dietitian呢?谢谢你的忠告。
ReplyDeleteRe: 9/8/09
ReplyDeleteHi, Regarding to your enquiry to be a good dietitian, kindly email it again to, i shall share my personal experience in further.
I completed my MD in Kolkata Medical College India. Though I am not practicing it because I believe in holistic health and natural therapy. Thus I went further into chinese medicine, psycotherapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy, color therapy, bach flower remedies, herbalogy...etc. I earned my MSc.Diet & Nutrition in University of Hawaii (UH) as RD, with Clinical internship (in Hospital Sultanah Aminah JB, Hospital Kuala Lumpur), coursework and dissertation (A comparison study for Diabetic Diet, Modified Diet and Supplement), plus other project on : Obesity and Chronic Disease; Anaphylactic reactions in patients receiving oxaliplatin therapy; Artificial intelligent Neural Network Algorithm(UTM); Multimedia Screening System for Self-Health assessment... Which then I have been prompted to PhD. Those are a very brief intro for your interest. :-)
My dear follower 28/7,
ReplyDeleteMy younger brother , sister (MBBS, UM and Post.Grad.Dip.Diet & Nutrition) and I wish to build our own career and business to achieve final freedom, thus, we are thinking to go for a MBA in local varsity, but we are not familiar with that field, would you kindly recommend us a good university for us? Prefer part time study, off the MO and clinic hour. thanks for your reply.